On the April 13th weekend … as Southern Gospel prepares for the final National Quartet Convention in Louisville, Kentucky come September 8th … the Jubilee is pleased to bring you a full hour-and-a-quarter of highlights from the many hours of Main Stage performances in Freedom Hall during the 2012 NQC.
Artist Archive for NQC
On this weekend of August 25th … the Jubilee picks up where it left off a few weeks’ back … and return you to the Civic Center in Fort Smith, Arkansas, where the McGruders are ready to continue their spirit-filled and worshipful concert. It’s 1996 and the performance is from their recording, Plugged In … Live.
With the second week in September comin’ up fast …. the Jubilee turns its spotlights on the National Quartet Convention and a past year’s performances. On this occasion the clock is turned back seven years to September of 2005. So . . . to Louisville, Kentucky, and the stage in Freedom Hall you’ll go … where you’ll hear from 14 groups. Let’s see … how many of those groups will be on that same stage this September?
The Jubilee leads off on this weekend of July 14th with the second half of that recently-recorded performance by the Kellys titled Live & Large. The group is one that you don’t hear a whole lot about, but they are a first-class Southern Gospel quartet and are based in Southern Gospel’s birthplace, Lawrenceburg, Tennessee.
Then, with another edition of the National Quartet Convention in Louisville just over two months away … the Jubilee turns the clock back a full decade to 2002. You’ll want to be listening to see which groups are still on the “A” list, as well as those who are still the same, how their sound has changed over the years, if any.
If you’d like more information about the 2012 Quartet Convention, you can go to their website … www.nqconline.com . . . or call 1-800-846-8499.
On this last weekend of February, the Jubilee is presenting highlights from the National Quartet Convention’s 36 hours of performances on the main stage of Freedom Hall in Louisville, Kentucky in the year of 2007.
If you’d like more information about this year’s Quartet Convention, taking place the second week in September, go to their website … www.nqconline.com .. . or call 1-800-846-8499.
Then, you’ll hear another portion of the grand performance recorded a couple of years back in the Daystar Studios in Ashland, Kentucky by the Inspirations … it’s the project where the title tells the whole story, Favorites of 45 Years.
On the broadcast for the weekend of January 14th … it’s a full 60 minutes of the best of the best … today’s top groups in Southern Gospel, delivering their best performances on the stage of Freedom Hall in Louisville during the 2008 National Quartet Convention. Yes, leading off with Gold City to the Booth Brothers and the Hoppers to Brian Free & Assurance … you’ll hear them all!

Wendy Bagwell
Then … how about one of those immortal Wendy Bagwell stories? Did you hear the one about the watermelons?
Finally, to round out the evening, it’s the first half of that 1986 Gold City concert performance in Charleston, South Carolina … titled Double Take … and featuring Tim Riley, Mike LeFevre, Ivan Parker, Brian Free and Garry Jones.