The Gospel Greats with Paul Heil

The Gospel Greats with Paul Heil

Saturdays 6pm ET, Sundays 8pm ET, Tuesdays 12 Midnight ET

This Week’s Featured Artists: , Posted July 18, 2013

Steve Hess, Southern SalvationOn the weekend of July 20th, Paul’s Featured Artists, for the first time as such, will be Steve Hess & Southern Salvation, with songs from their current Revived CD. You’ll find out all about this trio, who they are, what they do and why they do it. (Steve is a nephew of the late, great Jake Hess.) You’ll hear four of their songs and find out why there’s a theme running through their messages. You’ll also find out how you can enter to win one of 50 copies of their CD that will be  given away.

Lesters - Foundation CD

Special Segment #1: You’ll join Paul for a special visit with the Lesters, who will talk about songs from their new Foundation CD. This is a special CD they’ve created which includes favorite old hymns of the church and Gospel songs that have been a “foundation” of their musical background.

Special Segment #2: Paul will have a special segment remembering the late Harold Gilley, one of the most gifted and versatile bass singers to come along in recent years. Best-known most widely for his years during the 1990s with the Palmetto State Quartet, he was known especially for his amazing vocal impersonations of other top bass singers, such as J. D. Sumner and George Younce. You’ll hear some of that. He was also a songwriter and preacher.

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