On this Resurrection Sunday weekend, join Paul for the celebration of the Lord’s resurrection from the dead nearly 2,000 years ago! All of the songs and all of the artist comments will be on this theme.
Among the artists sharing their thoughts will be Michael Booth (Booth Brothers), Jeff Whisnant (Whisnants), Phil Cross (Poet Voices), Debra Talley (Talleys), Bill Gaither & Mark Lowry (Gaither Vocal Band), Jerry Pelfrey (Gold City), Chris Allman (Greater Vision), Anthony Davis & Josh Singletary (Tribute Quartet), Ricky Cardin (Down East Boys), Tami Starkel (Crist Family), Arthur Rice (Kingdom Heirs), Randy Fox (Primitive Quartet) and Scott Fowler (Legacy Five).
The Gospel Greats web address is www.thegospelgreats.com.