enLighten Weekend Jubilee

enLighten Weekend Jubilee

Saturdays and Sundays immediately following The Gospel Greats

This Week’s Featured Artists: , Posted December 5, 2011

Cathedrals Travelin LiveNQC 2003 LiveOn this December weekend of the 10th, the Jubilee turns the clock back eight years … to spend one-hour-and-a-quarter in Freedom Hall in Louisville, Kentucky, listening to the best of the best from 2003 and the performances at that year’s National Quartet Convention. You’ll hear from 19 different groups, including the one and only George Younce, with Signature Sound helping out, singing Supper Time. Do you remember Gold City’s That Little Baby? You’ll hear it during this broadcast!

And, speaking of George Younce, time is rolled back to 1986, as the Jubilee presents the first portion of one of the most-requested “live” recordings ever . . . from the Reynolds Auditorium in Winston-Salem, North Carolina … it’s Danny Funderburk, Mark Trammell, Glen Payne and George Younce … the Cathedrals and Travelin’ Live . . .

Two notes: The balance of this Cathedrals concert will be heard on the Jubilee next weekend … plus, this concert was video recorded and has been re-issued on DVD and is available from www.springside.com.


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