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Health Spas for Toddlers . . . January 12, 2015

From time to time, we share on this page a commentary by my longtime radio broadcast industry associate, Jerry Del Colliano. Over the past 50 years, Jerry’s been an announcer, radio station program director, industry newsletter publisher, college professor and is now a communications consultant.

While this was not directed specifically to a Christian audience … if you are a parent of young children and are part of or allowing any of these activities and, at the same time, are a Believer  and hold Christian values … isn’t it time to read and digest these points and re-consider your position on them? (I confess that when I had young children, now more than 30 years ago, I certainly violated some of them.)

Now, we’re really going out of our way to make our young folks self-absorbed.

Have you seen the recent New York Times article on health spas for toddlers? No kidding. We’re not permitted to post the actual article here, but it centered on a 7-year-old girl in Colorado and a day at a spa with her friends, noting that the spa industry has begun to target children in a big way, adding separate menus of services for girls, usually ages 4 to 14.

Let’s be honest – the best gift we can give our children is to get their attention off themselves and onto someone else.

Cellphones for children, really?  That’s peer pressure in lieu of real parenting.

Unrestricted screen time?  Not a gift.  We’re hurting them.

Being on our phones when we’re in their company – well, what do you expect? You’re raising a narcissist.

Children have the highest rate of attention deficit and depression now than in any previous era.

When we learn – and teach by our actions – that redirecting attention to others is more fulfilling, we’re also teaching gratitude.

Unbelievable self-absorption such as manicures and a ride in a health spa limo (you’ll see the picture in the story above) starts as a curiosity and becomes a standard.

                                                                                                                                                    © 2015 Jerry Del Colliano

 “Train up a child in the way he should go… and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”                                                                                                                                                                 Proverbs 22:6


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