Artist Archive for Matthew Holt

This Week’s Featured Artists: , Posted October 10, 2012

BF&A - Nothing-Love CDOn the weekend of October  13th … Paul’s Featured Artists are Brian Free & Assurance, with songs from their new CD called “Nothing But Love.” The guys will talk about why the songs they chose seem especially significant in these times. Included will be their current very popular song, I Want To Be That Man. Brian Free and Bill Shivers will tell you why that song is extra special to them. You’ll also hear a powerful song called Calvary’s Cry”that’s sure to become a classic for this quartet.

GG's - Pastor graphicAnd … October is Pastor Appreciation Month and the second Sunday in the month — October 13th — is often set aside in churches as Pastor Appreciation Sunday. In conjunction with that, several of the songs on this program (and related artist thoughts) are about pastors. You’ll especially want to hear Dr. Jerry Goff‘s story-in-song about The Pastor.

And you’ll hear three songs that all exhort preachers to preach the Gospel of Christ in no uncertain terms. If you’re a pastor, these songs will encourage you. If you’re not a pastor, these songs will give you a new appreciation for the call God’s placed on your pastor’s life.

Finally … Paul visits with Matthew Holt, the new pianist for the Gaither Homecoming concerts. He’ll tell you about the lengthy auditioning process he went through to get the job. And he’ll share the amazing story of how a predecessor in that same position provided the encouragement he needed, even as a child, to get involved in Southern Gospel music in the first place.

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