Dear Friends, 
Times are changing, the world of Southern Gospel continues to evolve and there are fewer active bloggers and industry news sites than there were just a couple of years ago.
Plus, I retired from managing Sirius XM’s enLighten channel nearly two years ago . . . and now it is time for me to fully retire from Sirius XM as of the end of this month.
So, as we add all of this together, the Lord has made it clear that it’s time for me to say “goodbye” and sign off . . . leaving me totally open to see and be ready for whatever else He has a desire for me to do.
However, this website should remain in place until about October 1st … so you’ll still be able to access the News & Views and Links pages ’til that time.
In His love,
P. S. – Should you have a desire to communicate with me personally, I can be contacted at
To E-mail enLighten, write to:
Give thanks this day
with a grateful heart …
For all your blessings,
large & small . . .
including the gift