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Two thoughts . . . September 5, 2014

Here’s a thought as shared on Facebook by Wilma Shannon of the Southern Gospel family group, the Shannons:

I was thinking this morning, how easy it is to misjudge someone the first time we see them, based on incomplete or inaccurate information that someone else has told us. We can jump to the wrong conclusions, including making poor judgments about others and their situations, which ultimately can cause a great deal of hurt and pain. John 7:24 says “Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.” We need to be careful about our judgments . . .

Then, my longtime radio industry friend, Jerry Del Colliano, recently posted these thoughts under the heading of “The Most Important Personal Question”:

What is your mission in life?

You would never enroll in college unless you at least knew you wanted a degree.

You would never drive from Washington to New York unless you took the time to at least find out how to go north.

Yet in life, can you answer this question:  “why are you here on earth?”

When reading an obituary, we often see the convoluted paths that have taken people to the end of their life’s journey.

Why are we here?

My career has been in and around broadcasting and media but I see my reason for being on this earth is to teach and use my God-given skills to communicate.

What about you?

Once we know what is important to us we can pursue it more effectively.

Try this experiment.

Ask a few people (friends, family, associates) why they are on this earth.

Don’t be surprise to get an “I don’t know” or a weak answer.  Remarkably, most of us never think about it.

We can’t get to where we want to go if we don’t first know where we want to go.

Thanks, Wilma and Jerry, for sharing what’s on your minds!


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