From our Article Archive:

Live from 2014 NQC . . . September 22, 2014

2014 - NQC Logo2014 NQC - Rodney2014 NQC - KPNR2014 NQC - HyssongsYes, from the National Quartet Convention’s new location in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee …

Rodney Baucom is now in his 4th year of hosting enLighten’s nightly live broadcasts from the NQC, beginning each evening at 6 PM Eastern/3 PM Pacific through Saturday. This year he’s joined by enLighten’s new Program Director, Kyle Cantrell.

For photos from the broadcast scene each evening, visit

In these photos, Karen Peck & New River on stage and the Hyssongs, father and son, in the enLighten broadcast booth!


2 responses to “Live from 2014 NQC . . .”

  1. S McSpadden says:

    Thank You so much for your live program (NQC) and other live programs as well as your everyday awesome broadcaste. Thank You for keeping Southern Gospel Music alive. Love those hymns

  2. ryan eaton says:

    hey. thank you so much for your live NQC broadcasts. for those of us that can’t get to the convention, it is nice to know that we can still listen to it. my only request would be that you play a variety of old and new songs, and not just current songs over and over. thanks for keeping the music alive. it is the best music and best message ever. god bless.

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