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New Year’s Resolutions? January 2, 2014

As the world enters into a new year on the calendar … there’s always much talk about making resolutions as to what a person is going to do differently in the days ahead.

Which has brought to mind the question … do Christians need to or be expected to commit to doing things differently with the coming of another year?

Or, do you feel that is something that is simply worldly . . . not something that Jesus would approve of or recommend?

While I am in no way a Biblical scholar … here’s what I think:

If you have one or more habits or issues that are not in keeping with the Scriptures … you need to change, you need a plan of action to address it or them – as too many of us are burdened by more than one.

I see it as a priority that has nothing to do with the calendar and a new year. If this were July, it would be just as imperative to change NOW!

Over the past several days, I’ve seen several articles regarding changes to make in the new year. Beyond the reducing or eliminating the daily poor habits of smoking and/or drinking alcoholic beverages, there are three that were noted in most every one:

  1. The repairing of strained or broken relationships, especially among family members and longtime friends. I interpret this as causing subconscious mental stress that induces other negatives to come to the fore.
  2. Getting out of debt, especially paying off and maintaining a zero balance on credit cards. As Christian-based financial advisor Dave Ramsey, who’s been heard on radio for years, loves to say, “to get things under control, you may need to get a second part time job and commit to eating beans and rice, rice and beans to reduce your expenses.”
  3. Commit to eating, living a more healthy lifestyle. I thought about writing a book titled “The Daniel Diet” long before Pastor Rick Warren came out with such a book a couple of years ago. However, since all you really need to know is stated very clearly in a few verses in the first chapter of the Book of Daniel … which follows in the Old Testament right behind the books of Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel, I didn’t feel a benefit to expounding on Daniel’s beliefs. While I am within the ten-pound range that I’ve been in for much of the past 40 years but now pushing the upper limits of that span, when I went for my annual physical recently, my doctor lectured me on eating more fresh vegetables and reducing my weight. While I have no real physical maladies, my bad cholesterol and triglycerides readings have begun moving toward the upper end of the accepted safe zone, which calls for action.

In his Gospel, the Disciple John quotes Jesus as saying “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” Which leads me to two thoughts:

  • Referencing Point #1 above … when you live in a mode of “love” and positive “loving” actions and approaches in all that you do, your mind and body will automatically be happier and healthier because much stress will have faded away.
  •  Plus, as you reach out in love and reduce the negatives in your life … you will have the ability to truly love yourself … which is what our Lord wants for each of us. I’d call it a three-pronged concept:  Loving Him, loving ourselves and loving others!

That’s my soapbox rant for this day. More to come on another day. In the meantime, I’m looking toward new horizons to explore in the coming year … however our Lord ordains.


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