Articles from 2013

More Favorite Hymns June 4, 2013

We received a note from Carolyn, who lives in suburban Saint Louis and commented: I have never heard it on the Gaither Homecoming program, or anywhere else for that matter in many years, but it was sung regularly at the old all-night sings in the St. Louis area …. it’s titled “The King and I.”  read full article …

The Lord’s Church May 28, 2013

Sunday a week ago, while we were on a road trip to visit family and friends, we took the opportunity to worship at a small church in central New York state, near where some of my relatives live. Arriving at the church and opening the bulletin, I quickly realized it was Pentecost Sunday … which  read full article …

Our true heroes… May 25, 2013

Former President and Army General Dwight D. Eisenhower once said: “The rights we have today we may consider as natural rights, but they were won by blood, sweat, sacrifice and death.” As a nation, we often take our freedom for granted. We enjoy daily what some have paid a dear price to preserve for us. On this Memorial  read full article …

He Is… May 18, 2013

This is a Gospel song from the contemporary Christian music realm dating to the mid-1990s … which we first heard recited during a sermon back in that time period. In the Summer of 2008, the Lesters visited our studios in the Nation’s Capital and presented a live concert broadcast on enLighten, during which this song  read full article …

Channel 65… May 9, 2013

Over the last many months … in fact, there have been questions for the past two years that we’ve lived on Channel 18, asking if enLighten is “here to stay” or will management seek to again delete the channel. And, if it is really going to stay in the channel lineup on a permanent basis,  read full article …

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