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More Favorite Hymns June 4, 2013

We received a note from Carolyn, who lives in suburban Saint Louis and commented:

I have never heard it on the Gaither Homecoming program, or anywhere else for that matter in many years, but it was sung regularly at the old all-night sings in the St. Louis area …. it’s titled “The King and I.” I have never understood how such a beautiful song could just disappear like that. I recently finally found it on iTunes, then a very dear old friend sent me the CD, which is named “A Tribute to Mosie Lister” by the Dove Brothers.

It was not familiar to me … so I did a search, finding both the lyrics and a performance on the Internet. I also found the Dove Brothers recording of it in the enLighten library, although we haven’t played it in several years. That, of course, has changed as of right now!

While we’re talking about this particular song, which was written by Mosie Lister in 1954, take a couple of minutes to read the words:

hymns_2956cThe King and I, walked down life’s road together,
Where many people go passing by,
The greatest one and I a lowly beggar,
Walk hand in hand, the King and I.

Why He should care for me will always be a mystery;
He holds the whole world in His hands and who am I?
And so my heart, sometimes can’t help but wonder,
Why we’re together, the King and I.

You ask me how we have this seal of friendship.
It rests alone in Jesus Christ my Lord.
He died for me, and claims my love and worship,
You read it all, in His true word.

He says I am to live in Him and let Him live in me,
He is the true and only vine and I a branch.
He reigns in heaven, and yet dwells deep within me,
‘Tis wonderful, the King and I.

Is there a song that communicates the “heart and soul” of the Christian message any clearer and more simply? Thank you, Carolyn, for bringing this great old tune to our attention.

 The next Hymns project . . .

 I’ve made my list of 12 “old favorites” that I’d love to have recorded by one or more of Southern Gospel’s premier groups and/or soloists. There are a few that we have a number of recordings of, but most are more appropriate for our Sunday morning “Inspiration” block than for general air play. Here’s my list for your consideration:

  •  Fairest Lord Jesus
  • Majesty
  • He Hideth My Soul
  • Be Thou My Vision
  • My Tribute
  • Lord, Listen To Your Children Praying
  • The Solid Rock
  • His Eye Is On the Sparrow
  • ‘Tis So Sweet To Trust in Jesus
  • Precious Lord, Take My Hand
  • Holy, Holy
  • Standing On the Promises

Now … how would you alter this list? Not just to add, but if adding, what should be replaced? Keep in mind that there are other hymns – such as How Great Thou Art and In the Garden that I love as much as some of these, but I’ve not listed for consideration to record as there are already several excellent recordings in circulation and played regularly on enLighten.

So, it’s your turn to let us and, hence, your fellow listeners, know what hymns you love and would like to hear a new recording of. Please E-mail me your comments now! Thank you.


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