Back in February, I posted on this page what I considered to be the 50 all-time favorite and most loved Christian hymns. And, I challenged you, the enLighten listeners, to agree or disagree with my list and suggest a hymn or hymns that should be on the list in place of others. Well, I heard from Janet of Fowler, Illinois … who stated she could easily list another 100 to add to the list. I asked that she pare that list down to “the next 50,” which she has now done:
Abide With Me
- All Hail The Power of Jesus’ Name
- At Calvary
- At The Cross
- Church In The Wildwood
- Come Thou Fount
- Count Your Blessings
- For The Beauty of The Earth
- Glory To His Name
- Grace Greater Than Our Sin
- Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah
- He Hideth My Soul
- He Keeps Me Singing
- He Lives
- Heavenly Sunlight
- Higher Ground
- I Stand Amazed
- I Will Sing of My Redeemer
- I Will Sing The Wondrous Story
- Jesus, I Come
- Jesus Loves Me
- Jesus Saves
- Jesus, The Very Thought of Thee
- Leaning On The Everlasting Arms
- Mansion Over The Hilltop
- More Love To Thee
- My Jesus, I Love Thee
- My Savior First of All
- No, Not One
- Oh, How I Love Jesus
- Only Trust Him
- Pass Me Not
- Praise Him! Praise Him!
- Redeemed
- Revive Us Again
- Savior Like A Shepherd Lead Us
- Shall We Gather At The River
- Showers of Blessing
- Stand Up, Stand Up For Jesus
- Surely Goodness And Mercy
- Sweet Hour of Prayer
- Tell Me The Story of Jesus
- The Love of God
- The Solid Rock
- ‘Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus
- Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
- What A Day That Will Be
- When We All Get To Heaven
- Whiter Than Snow
- Wonderful Grace of Jesus
With more and more groups (and soloists) releasing Hymns projects, Janet poses the question, “with so many great hymns (witness this list of a second group of 50), why does everyone tend to mostly record the same limited group?”
This fact was confirmed two years ago when Daniel Mount of Southern Gospel Blog published a listing he compiled, A Statistical Study: Determining Southern Gospel’s Most Enduring Songs.
As we’ve asked before … what great hymn do you find missing from our two lists? If you were choosing a dozen hymns for a Southern Gospel male quartet to include on a new hymns project, what would they be? Let us hear from you now!