From our Article Archive:

Your Favorite Hymns… February 27, 2013

enLighten MailboxResponding to the listing of what I judged to be the 50 most favorite, post popular hymns among Christians everywhere, here is what some of your fellow enLighten listeners wrote:

I love every song on your list, some more than others, but I’m sure every listener will have a slightly different ranking for each of these beloved hymns of our faith. A few of my favorites that were left out are:

  • Sweet Hour of Prayer
  • Leaning on the Everlasting Arms
  • I’ll Fly Away
  • At Calvary
  • When We All Get to Heaven
  • Onward Christian Soldiers

Todd, Collinsville, Virginia

I have a couple of suggestions for the list of greatest hymns;

  • Sweet Hour of Prayer
  • O, What a Savior

Melba, Rockwall, Texas

I think “He Took My Sins Away” should be on the list. Also another old favorite of mine is “Anywhere Is Home”.

Terry, Smackover, Arkansas

One song I grew up singing and meant a lot to me when I had a stroke was “I Know Who Holds Tomorrow.” I sang it in my head all the way to the hospital. No matter what the outcome, I knew I was going to be okay. God was in control and was holding my hand – I was at peace. Two other songs I think should be included are “Haven of Rest” and “What A Day That Will Be”.

Janet, Anderson, South Carolina

My favorite hymn is “The Love of God” … the one that has the verse supposedly found on the walls of an insane asylum. This tune is my “default” melody. When there is no other music on, and no one is talking, I find myself humming the tune. It is just so calming and uplifting. And the words, oh, the words are so powerful and deep, just as powerful and deep as God’s love.

Andrea, Forsyth, Georgia

I think “Precious Memories” should have been on the list also.

Earl, Arlington, Texas

Marlin, great list. I noticed that there are not many praise and worship songs on the list, not that they are bad, or not important in our worship of our almighty God and Savior, Jesus Christ. I like the songs that have a message of hope and challenge to them … “Amazing Grace,” “How Great Thou Art,” “It Is Well With My Soul.”

Larry, Dresden, Ohio

My favorite, “The Old Rugged Cross” is on there. Others I love are “The Old Rugged Cross Made the Difference,” “I Know a Man Who Can,” “Then Came the Morning,” “O, What a Savior,” and “Mary, Did You Know.”

Alice,  Danville, Illinois

You forgot….

  •  When We All Get to Heaven
  •  Just a Little Talk With Jesus
  •  Beautiful Life
  •  Come Unto Me
  •  I’ll Fly Away
  •  One Day At A Time

Donna, Kingwood, Texas

Thought your list was absolutely wonderful – it was delightful to peruse it and hum along with each title. The only one missing could possibly be “Joy to The World” – which our pastor used to have us sing numerous times during the year to remind us of what a gift we had all been given.

You know, I loved seeing your list because the youth of today may not be aware of what a wonderful treasure of reverent music is at hand. Yes, I am among the seniors of the population, and I miss our reverent old hymns … they’re still there, just not part of the “today” church like I would like. Thanks for doing this.

Emily, Chico, California

There’s only a couple of all those mentioned that I don’t recognize, and the majority of the titles suggested would definitely be included on my list if I sometime get around to compiling the next 50 all-time favorites.

There are two songs mentioned that are considered Christmas songs, and Larry asked about praise and worship songs. Of course, there are several Christmas songs that qualify, and there are a fair number of praise type songs that would be on my personal favorites list. For our purposes here, I chose not to include either on this basic list, except for the three or four Gaither songs that have now been part of our repertoire for so long that many forget they are really contemporary praise songs.

What I must take time to one day check is to see if we do actually have in our library at least one recording of each of the titles on the list, along with those that have been suggested here.

To each of you who wrote, thank you so much. I do so appreciate hearing from you, and being able to share the thoughts of others on this page from time to time. We’ll have more on another day.


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