From our Article Archive:

The Time Has Come… November 7, 2012

clock. . . for all of us – as I’ve addressed here before – to openly acknowledge that our United States of America is faced with many challenges in the days that lie immediately ahead … some of our own making and others from outside our boundaries!

As I write this, it’s only hours after we learned who will occupy the White House for the next four years. Now that that is behind us, our focus must be totally on these vital matters, addressing them with strength and fortitude in a cooperative and unified manner … from the standpoint of what is in the best interests of our nation and its citizenry … and right in the sight of God.

Externally, it’s not only our stance on the various nations and factions in and coming out of the Middle East … but what is to be our relationship with Russia which, under Vladimir Putin, is more and more experiencing a regression toward the “iron fist” ways of Josef Stalin. The latter has been addressed in recent days in commentaries which appeared in two totally different publications, the Washington Post and Forbes magazine.

Here at home, of course, it’s the much-talked-about “fiscal cliff” as well as how to fairly address our burgeoning national debt … which means one day soon the total population must acknowledge that – as the old proverb says – “you can’t have your cake and eat it too.”

Action . . .

In his victory speech Tuesday night, Mr. Obama declared that he’d like Mr. Romney to play a role in developing solutions to the nation’s numerous ills. I pray that he was sincere in saying this, and that Mr. Romney will commit to the task. It only makes sense for there to be a joining of forces, considering that the voting populace was almost evenly split between the two men … as I believe he brings skills that are severely lacking in the federal government’s upper ranks. To me, this partnership can’t begin soon enough. How about tomorrow?

Our Role . . .

Do we as a multi-million body of individuals who call ourselves Christians have the courage and commitment to unite in spirit, stand on our feet and declare and fight for what we believe to be right and just … just as the cheerleaders did in Kountze, Texas, when they sued their school district to preserve their rights to free speech … after they chose to print religiously-inspired messages of encouragement on their football game banners, rather than the normal negative messages aimed at the opposing team?

As Claude Hopper addressed from the Freedom Hall stage at this year’s National Quartet Convention … there are 545 men and women who sit in Washington, D. C., and represent us with their actions and voices. Do you believe that they are really addressing and seeking answers on how to deal with the challenges I’ve noted above?

How many of us take action to hold them accountable? Do we watch our representatives in Congress and how they vote on various issues and communicate our feelings and desires to them about matters up for consideration?

What would Jesus do? That was a hot phrase for awhile, but I haven’t heard it much recently – but it’s still a very valid question, don’t you think? What do you believe Jesus would do if He were here today?


Isn’t that what He’d do first … talk to the Father? And then, wouldn’t He stand up and let his voice be heard … just as I recommended above. Let us all begin to pray more earnestly for our nation and our leaders … that they truly are morally upright and Godly men and will allow, going forward, their actions to be guided by the Holy Spirit.

Your view . . .

What are your thoughts, feelings, re-action to what I’ve shared here? If I don’t get a response from you, then the time I’ve devoted to writing this has been wasted … so please let me hear from you now!


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