From our Article Archive:

Giving Thanks… November 21, 2012

cornucopiaAs this “Thanksgiving” weekend is celebrated here in the United States … even at this time when there are so many issues challenging our nation and the world … let us take a few moments to reflect on all that we in this land, all we have as individuals for which to  say “thank you, Lord.”

Life hasn’t been particularly good for you this past year? As I heard a pastor say just this past Sunday: “sometimes you need adversity to see the real blessings you have received!”

While this is a melody that we should sing in our hearts each day, the words and message of this very simple praise song, “Give Thanks,” always come to my mind at this time . . .

Give thanks with a grateful heart
Give thanks unto the Holy One
Give thanks because He’s given Jesus Christ, His Son
And now let the weak say, ‘I am strong’
Let the poor say, ‘I am rich
Because of what the Lord has done for us’
Give thanks!

© Heywood, Heywood & Brown

The Ten Second Miracle of Thanksgiving. . .

Just as I was seeking guidance from the Holy Spirit as to what else to share, this E-mail message arrived in my mailbox … and I knew instantly it was meant to be shared with you:

More than turkey with gravy, chestnut stuffing, or pumpkin pie, the thing I most look forward to at Thanksgiving dinner is the “The Ten Second Miracle;” that moment when the person carving the turkey says, “Let’s go around the table and say what each of us is grateful for this year.”

You’ll hear groans, and someone will mutter, “This is so corny.” Then, you’ll take ten seconds to stop and think about what you’re going to say.

The room becomes quiet as each person relates the one thing that keeps them getting out of bed each morning. It’s guaranteed that the closer you are to being at the end of the group, the more emotional and heartfelt your gratitude statement will be.

Why don’t we give ourselves the small, precious gift of ten seconds every day to be thankful for something specific?  Gratitude is a powerful force, capable of mending fences and harvesting hope.  Gratitude has saved more lives than we’ll ever know.

My wish for you this Thanksgiving is the gift of freedom to share your gratitude with the ones you love, and an open mind to receive the ideas of others, even when they seem foreign to you.

. . . by Michele Miller, Vice Chancellor of the Wizard Academy in Austin, Texas

In keeping with this beautiful thought from Michele, may you carry the gratitude of Thanksgiving with you every day of your life … and, at the same time, take time to pray for those who are less fortunate, more in need, or facing challenges or hurting … perhaps for medical reasons, a loss of a loved one, for lack of employment and income … or simply due to loneliness.

As written in Psalm 100:4: “Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with  praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name.”

To you and yours … from all of us here at enLighten and Sirius XM Satellite Radio, let us close by simply saying “Happy Thanksgiving, Happy Thanksgiving!”


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