With the 2012 Presidential election just three weeks away, I felt it appropriate to re-print this Letter to the Editor which appeared in a Pennsylvania newspaper during this week in 2008 . . .
Vote the Bible: here’s how to make your presidential choice!
I have been reading and watching, with great interest, the presidential elections, and I have come to the conclusion: I am going to vote the Bible! … I am going to vote according to God’s word, and nothing else. I will vote for the individuals who will support/do the following:
- Uphold the sanctity of all life, including the unborn. That means that the person or persons I vote for will believe that life begins at the moment of fertilization (conception). It has been scientifically proven to be so, as Dr. Joel Hylton states, “Who can deny that the fetus is … a separate genetic entity? Its humanity also cannot be questioned scientifically. It is certainly of no other species.” In short, someone who does not consider abortion a form of birth control!
- Do everything in their power to protect our nation from terrorists, even if it means going to war! War is a biblical concept that God supports, but only in a last resort situation. God hates the act of war, but it is sometimes necessary to deal with evil, especially the evil of someone like Hitler, or Saddam Hussein. Someone who will not “negotiate” or give in to terrorists, dictators or tyrants.
- Someone who will support the teaching of godly moral principles in our schools today, and not water it down, or try to discredit it. Someone who will give parents, not government, the authority to educate their children in any school they choose. Someone who will make sure that creationism/intelligent design and the theory of evolution are taught side by side, so that the student can decide the truth, and that abstinence is taught in schools, along with safe sex practices.
- A person who will crack down on our immigration issue, and make sure all our borders are safe! Make sure that those who have arrived/come into our country are here legally and, if not, get them out. If they are here illegally and want to be here legally, give them the opportunity to do so, but they must follow our directions and there will be no amnesty involved. Any immigrant who is here legally or otherwise, and has committed any criminal act, especially a violent one, gets put in jail and/or kicked out of this country permanently.
- Someone who will drill wherever they can for oil, and other forms of energy, to operate our cars, homes and more without reliance on foreign powers. Someone who will be open to finding energy within our country and using it wisely.
This is the person I am going to vote for!
Wendy, Bensalem, Pennsylvania
Re-printed by permission from the Courier-Times newspaper, Bucks County, Pennsylvania
What are your thoughts? Do you agree with Wendy’s points? Are they truly biblical?
How many are as relevant today as they were four years ago?
What about economic and financial issues? The Bible speaks a great deal about the handling of money. Did you read my commentary that appeared on this page a few weeks ago, discussing the U. S. Government’s fiscal crisis? If not, please do so – it’s the most vital matter in our nation’s future.
We’ve love to read your comments or opinion … won’t you send them now? Thank you.