From our Article Archive:

Dollars & Sense… October 25, 2012

enLighten MailboxThese listener messages are in response to a commentary that appeared on this page a few weeks ago, discussing the U. S. Government’s fiscal crisis. If you’ve not read it, you may want to prior to reading these thoughtful comments – it’s the most vital matter in our nation’s future and must be addressed regardless of who is our President for the next four years.

Thanks for talking about this issue. The Bible says the borrower is slave to the lender. The way our government spends money is a crime. The gig will be up one of these days! We need to continue to pray for Godly leaders to go to Washington and do the RIGHT thing.

Ed, Ann Arbor, Michigan

I just read the article which you have been urging your listeners to read and, to be honest, I have to agree with those you quote. You cannot keep spending money like drunken sailors as our politicians do without a means to fund it. I’ve been saying for a couple of years now that the only way out of this is going to be a combination of tax increases and spending cuts, but our current group of people in Washington don’t have the guts to do what it takes. Social Security has always been nothing more than a Ponzi scheme. The only way I see out of this mess is by electing officials who fear God and aren’t afraid to ask for his guidance and then follow it

Gary, Enterprise, Alabama

Pray for our LeadersI am challenging every Christian in this country who is eligible to vote to pray and fast … if they are not already taking part in the 40-day vigil leading to November 6th. Pray that God will lead us to vote for His candidates in this most important election of our lifetime.

Cheryl, Southport, North Carolina

Thank you for the Scripture and Gospel quotes, we need this in our lives. I will send your web site out to others today for them to read the article. We have joined in the 40 days of prayer for our country, to get our country back and bring GOD back as the nation was founded. Think of the days when the forefathers sat in the heat of summer drawing up our Constitution … windows closed, curtains drawn, Everyone needs to read what they wrote – and it was not about allowing government to overstep its limits and intrude into our lives. The great ones of the past did not put us in debt, whereas today, many in Congress put themselves above the working people, hold their heads high to look down on us, forgetting they work for us. They are public servants to the people, not the other way. What do they think the fight against the British was for … the FREEDOM that GOD has given us.

Stephanie, Mississippi

From other listeners . . .

I have owned my 2004 Truck all these years and never once thought about subscribing to Sirius XM, but after finding this channel on the free trial, I will be a subscriber as long as they keep enLighten in the lineup! I love Southern Gospel Music as it is the only music I know that lifts Jesus higher and encourages us in the faith!

Jason … as posted on Facebook

Just want you to know what your station means to me. I can be having one of those “down” days and can tune in to Sirius XM 18 and your music, God’s music, always lifts my heart. I don’t know how people who don’t know Jesus as Lord and Savior make it through each day. Thank you for your radio station, for your dedication to reach people with the greatest music ever, Southern Gospel. May God continue to bless you and your ministry.

Mickey, Albertville, Alabama

While we can’t always get your questions answered in a timely manner, it’s truly encouraging to hear from you, our dear enLighten listeners … no matter what your concerns or thoughts are. We are all a part of God’s family … and I would never want to be anywhere else.

If you have a comment or reaction to anything printed here or something you’ve just heard on enLighten please send us a note right now!


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