If you read this page with some regularity, you know that most everything posted here has some relationship to what is heard through music and the spoken word on enLighten … whose mission is to glorify our Lord and uplift those who love and follow Him.
However, we’ve just returned from a 13-day road trip from the Nation’s Capital into Michigan and as far west as Greater Chicago. And, just before leaving home, my old circa-2000 cellphone began to die. So, it was finally time to upgrade to a “Smartphone” … and I began learning how to use it as we traveled.
By mid trip, I got into taking some pictures … and have a desire to share just a few of them with you. After passing through Buffalo and Toronto, we landed at our first prime destination … Mackinaw Island, Michigan. If you are not familiar with this island, it is truly an island which is accessed only by ferryboat or a small aircraft. Part of its beauty is that you truly step back in time, at least as far as transportation is concerned – as no motorized vehicles are permitted on the island. As you’ll see in the photos, everything and everyone is transported by horse and carriage … unless you ride a bicycle!
After a few days on Mackinaw, we headed south and stopped in Holland, Michigan, and came across this genuine Dutch windmill, the only one ever permitted to leave the Netherlands! This 249-year-old windmill – named “DeZwann,” meaning “graceful bird” – is still a working windmill. It reaches 125 feet from the ground to the top of the blades and, yes, you can purchase flour that has been stone ground by it right there on Windmill Island in the middle of Holland.

Naval recruits at rest during graduation ceremonies – 8/31/12
Our final destination was the Great Lakes Naval Training Center, to be on hand for granddaughter Shannon’s graduation from Navy boot camp, following her joining the Naval Reserve. A new group graduates most every Friday of the year … on this day she was one of 924 new recruits, some going into the regular Navy and others into the active Reserves after further training.
For the past 7+ years, most of our “vacations” have in some way been tied to Southern Gospel music events. However, I felt it time to plan our programming ahead and take the better part of two weeks prior to the forthcoming NQC – which, when you’re older than Bill Gaither and planning 25 hours of live broadcasting over six days, is quite demanding – for Alicia and me to get out and be “refreshed” by visiting a different part of God’s beautiful earth.
Thanks for reading. My plan is to post pictures from the 2012 National Quartet Convention in this space as the week unfolds in Louisville.