It was a big week in Louisville, and it was a joy for us the be able to bring to folks across North America several hours each evening of the Freedom Hall performances as well as chats with some of your favorite artists.

NQC 2012 Impact Award
And, what a surprise it was when two old friends from our former home in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, came dashing to our broadcast booth in the Exhibit Hall to congratulate me on enLighten being awarded the Les Beasley Impact Award during the 2012 NQC Music Awards ceremonies that had just taken place in Freedom Hall on Friday afternoon.
Les Beasley, of course, has been President of the National Quartet Convention for many years … and led the Florida Boys Quartet for something like 50 years.
My heart was touched over and over throughout the week with artists and listeners alike stopping by to tell us how enLighten has had an “impact” on their lives – for that, I rejoice. However, I cannot take a whole lot of credit … I am only the shepherd the Lord sent to tend this “mission field.”
In closing, let me thank Rodney Baucom and Dan Dixon for coming aboard to host this week’s broadcasts, plus Shawn Shannon who was at the controls in Louisville and Jason Clark, my regular assistant, who watched over the broadcasts back at the studios in the Nation’s Capital.
Enjoy our mini photo album!