From our Article Archive:

What’s your attitude? August 20, 2012

attitudesOne of the most-asked-about recordings we’ve ever played on enLighten is titled Attitudes as sung by the Mast Brothers. “Who are the Mast Brothers and where can we buy the recording” is the #1 question. Well, they are semi-retired as a singing group, so had shut down their website. Someone had sent us a couple of their CDs and I discovered this song, which cried out to be aired. Having added it to the library, we began to get requests of where to purchase. Eventually, we did catch up to them in Florida, learned that they still had CDs on hand and secured a telephone number for ordering.

With this new popularity, the Mast Brothers have restored their website which contains instructions for ordering this CD. However, if you’ve not heard the recording and wonder what the hoopla is about … take a minute and read the lyrics:

If nothing’s going right for you, the first thing I would do, is check up on those flaky, goofy, grumpy attitudes.

There’s flaky, goofy attitudes in the church today, if you really want to please the Lord … those attitudes must change, If nothing’s going right for you, the first thing I would do, is check up on those flaky, goofy, grumpy attitudes.

You know there’s those people that believe the only reason they were put here on earth, was to accumulate things.

Gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme praise ye the Lord,

Gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme praise ye the Lord,

Praise ye the Lord, gimme gimme, praise ye the Lord, gimme gimme, praise ye the Lord. I deserve it, Lord, I want some more!

Then there’s those folks that have so much stuff, they don’t know what to do with it, they have all the comforts of life, but haven’t givin’ God a raise in 20 years … ‘ tis so sweet to keep my money, the church don’t need it anyway.  Lord, we’ll keep the preacher poor. If You’ll keep him humble, we’ll give our dollar once a week.

Then we have those groups of believers who figure if it’s the Lord’s will, then it’s just gonna happen. Oh victory in Jesus, we’re drifting forever, if God wants it done, let Him do it Himself, we’re too busy anyway.

And Oh, how we pray, Lord give us revival, yea, we want revival as long as it’s on our time schedule. Have thine own way Lord, till twelve o’clock … I’m getting hungry, tell the preacher to stop!

And how we like to gather at the restaurant after church for fellowship, yeah good Christian fellowship … shall we gather at the restaurant, to talk about the people that we don’t like, we’ll enjoy a lot of gossip at the restaurant, and have us some roasted preacher . . .

There’s flaky, goofy attitudes in the church today, if you really want to please the Lord, those attitudes must change. If nothing’s going right for you, the first thing I would do, is check up on those flaky, goofy grumpy attitudes.

And how about the way they ran that service this morning…man O man. We’ve never done it that way before … no we haven’t. And what about that preacher of ours, man, he’s so stuck up! One of the ladies told me the other day … Well, he didn’t even shake my hand!

And boy, what about that music? They’re trying to make it into that Praise and Worship stuff … I hate it, I hate it!

Boy, I’ll tell you what, why don’t we go down to that ole restaurant, I sure hope brother Tom is down there, I’d like to give him a piece of my mind. That’s right, come on, I’ll meet you down there … see you later, alright, I’ll see you there …

© Mast Brothers

From my personal experiences over these past 60 years or so as a churchgoer (and a fair part of those where I’ve been a part of the crew passing the offering plate), I’m sad to say that there are more “Christians” than we’d like to believe who fit this mold.

Thank you, Mast Brothers, for helping us “see the light!”

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