From our Article Archive:

Hallelujah! June 30, 2012

Over these past 14 months, since enLighten was moved to Channel 18 without warning … following the threat that it was to be removed from the satellite service … thousands of you have been frustrated by the fact that we were virtually anonymous, as enLighten did not appear within any channel listings or on any screens other than for Channel 805, where it was destined to reside as an Internet-only station.

enLighten on 18!Well, as the photo shows … and you likely have observed … there’s finally been a move to restore its visibility and re-confirm that enLighten holds a permanent place in the Sirius XM satellite lineup of channels . . .

While enLighten may ultimately move in alongside the other two Christian music channels … Channel 18 will remain its home for the foreseeable future. Unfortunately, if you are listening via an older Sirius receiver, you are likely still seeing the channel’s old name. This is due to severe technical limitations within the Sirius system design that makes such changes extremely difficult, which also applies to moving enLighten to a new channel location.

NOTE: If your receiver continues to display the old channel name for several seconds when you turn it back on, you need to turn it off with its own power switch one time … that’ll lock the new data into the radio’s memory.

Let us rejoice and celebrate small blessings, and always remember that . . . our God reigns!

It’s Birthday Week in North America!

Canadian FlagFrom Saint Johns, Newfoundland to Parliament Hill in Ottawa to Victoria, British Columbia … the citizens of Canada celebrate their nation’s birthday each year on July first . . . except that this year, because the 1st is a Sunday … some of the official celebrations will be held on that day, while the official “holiday” is Monday, July 2nd!

The July 1 “birthday” holiday was established by statute in 1879, under the name “Dominion Day,” but was re-named “Canada Day” in 1982. This year, Canada celebrates the 145th anniversary of Confederation, as well as celebrating the 404th anniversary of Québec City, which also marks the founding of Canada.

“O Canada” is the nation’s national anthem, but did not become so until 1980 … even though the song dated back a full 100 years, having its origins in French Quebec and receiving English words in 1906.

O Canada!
Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.

With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!

From far and wide,
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

Canada’s maple leaf flag was officially adopted in a ceremony on February 15th, 1965,  when it was proclaimed that . . .  “the flag is the symbol of the nation’s unity, for it, beyond any doubt, represents all the citizens of Canada without distinction of race, language, belief or opinion.”

To every one of our dear enLighten listeners … and we know there are many … who reside “north of the border” in Canada … HAPPY BIRTHDAY!


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