From our Article Archive:

Behind the Scenes June 16, 2012

sheepIt isn’t just picking songs to play … there’s a lot of what I call “housekeeping” that goes into the scheduling of musical programming on a station/channel like enlighten … even when you are relying on a computer to manage that activity. You must remember that a computer only does what you tell it to, so that’s where the real work comes in. Each selection must be coded in a number of ways and placed in the proper one of about 12 different categories; otherwise, if I fail to be a good “shepherd” and fulfill my task each time new sheep are added to my “flock,” some sheep (groups) will receive too much attention and others will consequently not receive the care they deserve.

Every few days I receive an E-mail saying, “you played so-and-so group once an hour all day long and never once played so-and-so.” Usually, their mind is playing tricks, but occasionally the writer is correct in that a particular artist or group does play more frequently than desired … usually because we’ve failed to properly code a new recording before it goes into the play library. Just like cleaning up the kitchen … our work never ends!

End of ANT season?

We thought this message from Reverend Mark Adams, Senior Pastor of Redland Baptist Church in Rockville, Maryland, was particularly appropriate for this time of year. We don’t know about where you live, but here in the Nation’s Capital area, this season every year seems to bring out the ants … you know, those little black ones that run around looking for something sweet to ingest. Of course, they are not the “Ants” Reverend Adams is speaking of:

Clinical neuroscientist Daniel G. Amen says, “Don’t believe everything you hear … even in your own mind.” He wisely points out that most of the negative things we “hear” in a given day are never spoken audibly. They’re the things we say to ourselves.

Dr. Amen refers to these inaudible things as ANTs: Automatic Negative Thoughts … and we all have them. Here are some examples:

ant“This won’t work.”

“I’ll never meet this deadline.”

“God isn’t listening to my prayer.”

“I can’t follow this diet.”

“I can’t afford to tithe.”

“I can’t get organized.”

And on and on.

Dr. Amen tells us that we need to get in the habit of “stomping” these ANTs, and replacing them with positive, uplifting thoughts.

It’s a difficult habit to develop, but the believer has an advantage because we’ve got God on our side. After all, His Word says that He has plans for us, that He has given us a future and a hope, that He is causing all things to work together for good so that He can finish the work He began in us. (Jeremiah 29:11; Romans 8:28; Philippians 1:6)

In a past Monday Memo writing, Steve May refers to Dr. Amen’s writings and suggests that as Christ-followers must each learn to turn an ANT into an ACT … an “Automatic Christ-like Thought.” Instead of telling ourselves the worst all day long, we must discipline ourselves such that we remember that God is always in control, that His arm is not too short to save, and that He will lead us where we need to go.

The result is that this Automatic Christ-like Thought really does become an act, because what we think ultimately leads to what we do. In other words, right thinking leads to right acting. This is an important principle to remember as we strive to grow toward Christ-likeness in this fallen world—a world that can be a negative, very discouraging place.

This is why Paul said things like, “Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” (Romans 12:1) and “Demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and take captive every thought…” (2nd Corinthians 10:5). Right “ACT-thinking” is why he was able to be so positive and say, “I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13)

New thoughts lead to new actions. New actions lead to transformation. So, I challenge you to spend every day stomping on ANTS and replacing them with ACTS!

© 2011 Mark Adams

Your thoughts, comments, questions are always welcomed and desired … which you can E-mail to us right now! In fact, to help guide our programming into the future, include in your E-mail the name of your most favorite group or singer. Thank you.


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