From our Article Archive:

Patience… March 10, 2012

Wait upon the LordConsidered to be a man of great wisdom, King Solomon had great counsel on this issue. Writing in Proverbs 16:32, he gave this advice: “Better a patient man than a warrior, a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city.” And, in Ecclesiastes 7:8: “ … and patience is better than pride.”

Do you agree with me that this advice is just as appropriate today and it was in King Solomon’s time? As I talked about on the air recently, it certainly is evident to me that too many of us in the world today are just in too much of a hurry, expecting an immediate response to whatever it is that’s at the top of our agenda at the moment … whether calling on our cellphone, behind the wheel of our car or standing in a line waiting for it to be our turn. And, many of us Christians have come to expect this from our God as well … expecting an immediate positive response from Him, regardless of what our need, request or “demand” might be.

All of this was brought to my mind when I recently came across a CD by a gentleman named Wendell Jellison – who I believe is a pastor in Tennessee – that contains a song titled “Sometimes it Takes Time for God to Move.” For this person who has a plate that’s a little too full and is always seeking to do more and give our Lord my best, the message embodied here really struck a chord … considering that for quite some time now I’ve been praying and asking for something to happen that will benefit not me, but for what we’re able to deliver to you on enLighten. So far, there’s been no answer … but I realize more than ever that it will occur in His timing.

While the melody and the words in the chorus were penned by an unknown writer, the Lord inspired Pastor Jellison to share this message that every Christian should find uplifting and of comfort:

You know, friend, in my walk with God
The most difficult times have been the seasons when I’ve had to wait on God
It’s while waiting that Satan starts working in our minds
To make us think that God is not going to honor His word
Or not going to make a way through this trial
While we’re waiting for an answer
Satan brings up all of our failures, all of our faults
And while we know that God could do it
We’re just not sure if He’s willing to do it for us

So, while doubt and fear is saying
You’re through, you’re finished, just give up
Time and time again, I’ve seen God show up
The clouds begin to part, the sun begins to shine
And somehow, someway, God comes through again
Remember, friend, God really does love you
And the devil is a liar; Your life is in God’s hands
And God has a perfect timing for every event that’s in your life

Then, it’s all wrapped up in the great counsel of the chorus:

Sometimes it takes time for God to move
We don’t know all the time what He wants to do
Don’t you worry, don’t you fret
God’s not through with you yet
Sometimes it just takes time for God to move

A week ago I was fretting about a number of items and allowing the pressures of the day pull me down … Satan at work in a big time way … after hearing this song, I realized it was time to really “take it to the Lord in prayer” and spend more time in the Scriptures. My life is brighter and more peaceful today!

Do you have any thoughts on this subject? Let me hear from you!


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