Articles from March 2012

Holy Week… March 31, 2012

As we reflect on the events that unfolded over this eight-day period some 2,000 years ago, where Jesus makes His triumphal entry into Jerusalem, then five days later dies on a cross … and “three days later” becomes our glorious, risen Savior … I urge you to take a few moments to slowly read and  read full article …

Revival… March 24, 2012

As a visitor to this website, you likely know that on our News & Views page, we list the latest postings by many of those who write blogs about things related to Southern Gospel music and the Christian life. One of those blogs is written by a young lady named Sony Elise and her blog  read full article …

Patience – Part Two… March 17, 2012

In our previous message on this page, I addressed “patience” and offered the words to a song written and sung by Wendell Jellison, a pastor in Tennessee, urging us to be patient with our Lord when we present petitions to Him … as His plan and schedule is not necessarily the same as ours. And,  read full article …

Patience… March 10, 2012

Considered to be a man of great wisdom, King Solomon had great counsel on this issue. Writing in Proverbs 16:32, he gave this advice: “Better a patient man than a warrior, a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city.” And, in Ecclesiastes 7:8: “ … and patience is better than pride.”  read full article …

The “Other” Ten Commandments… March 3, 2012

This beautiful and thoughtfully written modern-day version of the Ten Commandments arrived recently in an E-mail from a friend. Neither she nor yours truly have any knowledge of who wrote them, and a search in Google produced several “other 10 Commandment” lists, but none matched this set in words or message. Of course, no set  read full article …

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