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Comments from enLighten Listeners January 7, 2012

enLighten MailboxI just want to say thank you for playing such great Gospel music! enLighten has been such a blessing and encouragement to me over the past year. My sister gave me a satellite radio for Christmas last year, and your station is my number one preset, and just about the only channel I listen to. I love all the Southern Gospel music, and love to sing along in my car. One song that has touched me recently is “A Moment of Grace” by Palmetto State Quartet. I love that song because it reminds me of the grace that God gives, no matter what we have done, and He just keeps giving it!

Joanna, Suffolk, Virginia

Thank you for the wonderful music … it gets me started in the morning on the way to work and on the way home, and then when I am home. I lost my spouse several years ago to cancer and, so having always loved and sung Southern Gospel, it keeps my home from being so lonely.

Kathy, Canton, North Carolina

What you are doing there is so much more important than all the non-Gospel channels. There is a truth for our souls in what we hear on enLighten …whereas, the words in the songs from the other stations are just that. Words. No promises. No hope. No saving grace.

Teressa, Union Point, Georgia

I don’t print these messages to pat myself on the back … even though it’s a source of encouragement to receive and read these from time to time. As I’ve said before … the Lord called me to this position back in 2004 to be His servant in this role … and I am carrying it out to the best of my ability and, at all times, attempt to allow the Holy Spirit to guide me as to what will please and serve and glorify our Father God.

A different Christmas . . .

After taking part in the choir at our church for the Christmas program this year, I felt so renewed and refreshed … like I felt as a child, as I hadn’t participated in any type of Christmas program in years. It just seemed to make the true meaning of Christmas more real. This was just the beginning of such a great Christmas season for us. What put the icing on the cake was when we arrived in Atlanta to spend Christmas with our oldest daughter and her husband . . . and were blown away when our son-in-law presented us with a framed picture of an ultra-sound of our new grandbaby, due to be born on July 4th. They were about to burst as they had not wanted to tell anyone of the news before telling us. It was such a special moment and a Christmas that will forever be etched in my mind. We are so excited about this new arrival. God is so good to us!

My prayer for the new year is that I personally will draw closer to God, to be used by Him to serve others. I pray for a healthy baby with no complications for Mommy or baby. I pray that as a family, we will grow closer together and love each other even more, and to make everything that we do “count.”

Faye, Nokomis, Alabama

As I sat down to Christmas dinner this year, I knew I had a lot to be thankful for … even though I lost a dear sister to illness in May and recently, my husband suddenly became ill. He spent a week in the hospital, 3 days in CCU and likely will not be able to return to work. But I was able to provide a Christmas dinner for him and my children, thanks to the love of friends and co-workers. I know the times ahead are going to be tough, but I also know my Lord and Savior will bring us through it with many blessings along the way. I’m so glad my children are happy and have good mates. Some days I wish life could be a little easier … but while we don’t have much, we have more than a lot of people. And having the love of our Lord makes it all complete.

Barbara, Middleburg, Florida

After 34 years of marriage, my husband left in March of 2008 and we were divorced by January of 2009. Needless to say, we had not spent a Christmas together since 2007. Our daughter and son are both married (as they were before we divorced) and we now have two grandchildren. It was hard on our children to have two separate Christmas celebrations with their parents, but this year, my ex-husband and I celebrated together with our children. Both of our children told me it was “one of the best Christmases” they’ve ever had. (I’m guessing that included even pre-divorce.) I am pleased that we could put our children first and have a beautiful holiday together. It was very special to me.

Cynthia, North Carolina

It seems that every family, every person has trials. As I commented on in the last posting on this page, it isn’t difficult to take a “woe-is-me” attitude. However, that is not a beneficial route to take, as I know you recognize. I appreciate these three Christian ladies taking the time to share their trials and joys, so that we may see that seldom is “the grass greener on the other side of the fence.” 


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