From our Article Archive:

At Random… January 21, 2012

As I begin my day of work, most of which relates to what you dear listeners will hear in the days ahead on the two Sirius XM channels that I am responsible for and what will be posted on the pages of this website … more than fulfilling those duties … my heart is in the message of these verses from Psalm 47:

Sing praises to God, sing praises;
sing praises to our King, sing praises.

For God is the King of all the earth;
sing to him a psalm of praise.

Here are a couple of quotes that were scribbled on scraps of paper long ago and placed in my giant folder labeled “resources.” I have no idea where I heard either or who said them, but it’s time to share them:

When Doubt, Despair, Temptation come knocking …
Send Jesus to the door!”

To me, that’s so basic to our faith, as is this rule of life:

Every adversity hides a beautiful possibility!

What’s funny? . . .

On this early morning, as I was preparing some thoughts for this page, I checked the News & Views page of this website and spotted a new posting by Southern Gospel Yankee, one of the bloggers whose writings appear there regularly … writing on the subject of comedy and what’s appropriate for Christians to say and listen to. Titled Gaither and Clean Comedy, I invite you to read and send me your thoughts on the subject.

I could say more on the subject, but I think I’ll just leave it there and await your comments.

Do I hear an “A-men”? . . .

My hope for the New Year is that Americans, before casting their votes for President, will pray for God’s guidance in the upcoming election. We need God’s hand on this election and a Godly man to be our President. I am afraid that if we don’t vote according to what God lays on our hearts, that the United States as we know it, will never be the same. Christians are losing their rights every day and the morals of this country are decaying more and more. We need to get back to the Christian principles that this country was founded on. God Bless America!

Debbie, Toledo, Ohio

Somehow, after reading this message from Debbie … two quotes come to mind, both posted independently on a Facebook page by Denette who lives in Paducah. The first is by Dr. Charles Stanley, which I read on the air recently: “We have no obligation before God to be politically correct. Rather we have a divine obligation to be Biblically correct!” The other from Scripture … “Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves” (Matthew 7:15); and “For such … are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light” (2 Corinthians 11:13-14).

As always, I’d love to hear from you and how you feel on any of these subjects, on how you have felt the love of our Lord recently, or about what you hear on enLighten. I love you and I rejoice that we can be here together being lifted up in the glory of the Lord through music where He is the focus.


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