Melissa Brady
There are lots of ways to be thankful, lots of reasons to be thankful. One is for having a mate you truly care for. In a recent post, Melissa Brady enumerated the ways she loves her husband, Jim, who is that “extra” member of the Booth Brothers trio. I urge you to take a minute or two or three to read.
Thanksgiving Day . . .
Is it a sacred day? Are we truly thankful for what we have, for what the Good Lord has blessed us with or made possible in our lives? Or, because we thank Him and praise Him every day of the year … it’s just another holiday to be off from work and a reason to have a big meal?
I’ve read that many of the major chain stores are no longer happy with beginning their “after-Thanksgiving” sales at 5 AM on Friday … several are now going to open at Midnight Thursday night and, in a couple of cases, scheduled to open at 10 PM on Thanksgiving evening.
As a Christian, does this ongoing encroachment on Thanksgiving Day bother you in any way? Or, will you be out there with the crowds looking for the “bargains?” Do you work for one of these stores that will cause you to cut your Thanksgiving Day short and be at work Thursday night?
Revivals . . .
While clicking through the Christian TV channels on our system, I happened upon an evangelist talking about having a revival … which brought to mind the question, “how prevalent and popular are revivals these days, or are they something from the past? Which leads me to ask:
- Have you ever attended a Revival?
- Does your church hold Revivals?
- If one were taking place in a church or tent or convention center nearby, would you attend?
“Merry Christmas” . . .
An organization called the American Family Association is promoting the wearing of this button this Christmas season. If you agree and would like to wear one … or even to order a batch to hand out at your church or to friends and family members … here’s the link for ordering!
Christmas on enLighten . . .
The traditional beginning of the Christmas season occurs this Friday, November 25th … and the first Sunday in Advent is two days later, November 27th. Which means, we soon will begin adding the music of Christmas to our mix. In preparation for playing these beautiful melodies of the season when the world celebrates the birth of the Christchild, I’ve recently spent several days reviewing our library of Christmas carols and holiday favorites, plus auditioning the Christmas CD’s that quite a number of groups have released this year.
In light of this, we repeat the question we asked of you a couple of weeks back: While there’s no way to satisfy the tastes of all 200,000 or so individuals who listen to enLighten when it comes to the programming of Christmas music, what is your preference for our beginning, and how much how soon? Plus … what constitutes “acceptable” Christmas season songs for enLighten to include in its mix? We would love to have your comments, your input. So, if you have definite feelings and desires, please share them with us now.
In fact, we’d love to have your thoughts, comments on any or all of the questions and issues I’ve raised here … so please send us an E-mail message now.