From our Article Archive:

Prayer Changes Things September 5, 2009

This morning, I was thinking about what should be posted on this page for this week, a week of historical significance. First off, there’s Labor Day, traditionally marking the end of the Summer season. However, it’s really a quasi-patriotic holiday that celebrates the labor movement, which has played a definitive role in the history of this nation. Four days later, there is the 8th anniversary of the horrific event we can never forget, known simply as “9/11.”

Just as the question came to mind in the midst of my handling the many functions required for keeping enLighten delivering its God-glorifying programming day after day, the radio began playing Greater Vision’s song, It Pays To Pray

Hand in hand at the altar
In tears of celebration
We’d never seen them smile like this before
She’d spent her life ‘a prayin’
On bended knee ‘a stayin’
And this morning he surrendered to the Lord
There’s a message in her story
Only God can get the glory
When a child of His keeps knocking at the door

Prayer is just as big as God is. Prayer is just as strong as God is strong
Prayer can reach as far as God can reach. Don’t ever give up just pray.

You’re tempted to quit prayin’
You feel He’s never listenin’
The time has come and you must make a choice
Do you stop believin’
Forget what you’ve been seekin’
Or do you resolve that Jesus hears your voice?
He will hush the angel praises
Just to hear what you are sayin’
And at any moment now you will rejoice

It Pays To Pray
It Pays to call upon His name
It Pays To Pray
To see a miracle displayed
You’ll forget the word, “impossible”
When you seek the Savior’s face
You’ll know He will make a way
It Pays To Pray

Words and Music by Rodney Griffin, ©2007 Songs of Greater Vision, BMI.

Of course that’s it! What better thing can we be doing, should we be doing this week, or any week, than talking to our Lord … because it does pay to pray … which you can do anywhere, anytime. And, the available subject matter is endless . . .

  • Thank Him for loving you, blessing you.
  • Consider thanking Him for all that He’s done for you and made possible in your life.
  • Lift up all you are aware of who are suffering for one reason or another.
  • Pray for the leaders of our nation and the world, that they shall seek the Lord’s will.
  • Pray that the Holy Spirit will descend upon all mankind, and fill their hearts with a desire for peace.
  • Pray that the Lord will keep you, your family, your community and your nation safe.
  • And, prayerfully rejoice in the freedoms that we enjoy here in North America.

Writing in Philippians 4:6 and 7, the Apostle Paul admonishes us to …

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

We don’t know who wrote or said it … but it’s another one of those admonishments that’s hard to take issue with:

Prayer should be the key to the day … the lock of the night!

Thank you for reading. As we prayerfully ask the Lord to bless each and every one of you … our request is that you pray for enLighten and all who play a role in keeping it on the air. Thank you.


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