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Spiritual Refreshment January 23, 2008

Alicia and I recently needed to go “home” to Bucks County, Pennsylvania, to attend and participate in a memorial service for a longtime lady friend of hers. I was able to get enLighten34 set up on auto-pilot far enough ahead to permit us to spend additional days there. The result was a grand four days of visiting friends, and a time which proved to be “spiritually refreshing.”

First of all, the message presented by Pastor Doug Seidel was the clearest and most straight-ahead one I’ve ever heard, explaining the “advantages and benefits” of giving ourselves to Jesus. Based on Paul’s writing in Romans 8, Pastor Doug stated “Neither life nor death, angels or demons … nothing is too big, nothing is too deep to make God let go of us. There never will be a time when Jesus will not be enough for those who believe in Him. In all these things, we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.” (I hope one day to print the entire message here, but needs to be transcribed as at the moment it’s available only in audio form.)

On Sunday morning I had the opportunity to hear a message by Dr. Norman Leve, Jr. … whom I had not heard preach in nearly 20 years. His sermon title was “What Are You Doing Next Year,” addressing the issue of taking whatever action necessary to put the past behind you and move forward, so as not to be in the same position a year from now as you are presently. (“It’s time to get out of that rut.” “If you had a bad childhood, get over it!”)

I don’t normally read USA Today; however, it was delivered to our hotel room door one morning … which may have been providential, as in the January 14th issue there appeared an article which discussed Spiritual Growth and its need for nurturing. While not focused particularly on Christianity, it did make these points which certainly are appropriate to us as Christian believers:

an inner life blossoms as its four key components are purposefully cultivated. These involve:

  • Taking time for quiet and solitude.
  • Cultivating some type of regular spiritual practice or discipline.
  • Grounding this spiritual practice in the support of a community.
  • Bringing reflection and heightened awareness to everything you do.

Such undertakings can provide a refreshing change of perspective and an antidote to stress and worry.

While prayer is not specifically mentioned here, it certainly has a significant role to play for us Christians … and where many of us definitely need to do some “beefing up.” My prayer now is that you find, have and/or experience joy in Jesus each and every day!

In closing … Romans 8:31 assures us: “If God is for us, who can be against us?”


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