From our Article Archive:

Random Notes December 8, 2007

Two weeks ago, in writing about our plans for the programming of Christmas music on enLighten34, I ended my comments by playing off of the title of the new Triumphant Quartet CD, We Need A Little Christmas. Well, I received a note from John, with which I cannot take issue: “ … your last line in your write-up regarding Christmas which I just read bothers me. This world needs a little Christmas and Jesus is not true. It should read … This world needs a LOT of Christmas and Jesus.” Amen and hallelujah, John, right on!

We recently received a telephone message from Glen … referencing the Inspirations’ recording of If You Only Knew. He then went on to say, “I wouldn’t make it through the day without you (enLighten34).” He closed his call with Philippians 4:13 … “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Please understand … I do not print these messages so as to get “puffed up” or to feel important. It’s simply that upon reading each one, I marvel at how the Lord is using our humble little enLighten operation to His glory … and touching lives in the process. Here’s another one which arrived a few weeks back:

On the evening of October 24, 2007, at approximately 8:30 PM CT, a song titled “Beautiful Isle of Somewhere” played. This is an old song that is not played that often … I cannot actually remember hearing on the station before.  Please tell me whether this song was already in the line-up, or was it played by request? [God’s computer scheduled it – we’ve never had a request for this beautiful old hymn.] My reason for asking is, my mother was in the hospital, unconscious, not responding, and not expected to live.  My daughter was with her and I had gone home to get some rest, and was not planning to return until the next morning. Unbeknownst to my daughter, I just felt a strong need to get back to the hospital so, at the time the song was playing, I was in the car headed back. My mother’s breathing became erratic, so my daughter tried to reach me to say she thought I should return to the hospital, but was unable to do so.  She lay her head on the pillow by my mom, whispering that she needed her help to get in touch with me. My daughter stood up and, before she could walk to the end of the bed, I was calling … because that song had just started playing on the radio. It is a song my mom had always told me she wanted played at her funeral, and hearing it, made me feel like something was wrong. Mom went home to be with the Lord the next morning at 10:30 AM.  We did play the song at her funeral … just as she had requested. … Pamela, Houston, Texas

As the title of the recent song by Janet Paschal states, God Works In Mysterious Ways. Which leads me to my next thought: Recently I came upon a couple of DVD’s containing several of Kathryn Kuhlman’s TV programs from the early 1970s. On one, she interviews Dr. Pat Robertson of 700 Club fame. During the conversation, he spoke of being at college in New Haven, Connecticut, and attending Sunday services at a Congregational Church there. He went on to comment that all services in this church opened with this prayer … “Lord, in this life, grant me the knowledge of Thy truth … and, in the world to come, life everlasting.”What could be more simple and profound at the same time?

In closing, I want to recognize Jeff and Caroline who live in Hammond, Louisiana. Months back, they sent an E-mail telling us that they had just learned about enLighten34 from a driver whom they spoke with at the local truck stop. You see … they were at the truck stop because their ministry is going there for the purpose of praying for and with the OTR drivers and giving them a free CD of Christian music. There are endless ways for one to serve the Lord and spread the good news. If you’d like to know more about them, they have a “very interesting” website titled Yoke Up.

If you have any questions or comments regarding what I’ve written here, or thoughts you’d like to share … please send us an E-mail.


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